Salam and Hi guys!

Feeling so happy got to see my beloved friends last weekend…after long time been waiting.. and yes we had the chance to meet up at one of our friend’s wedding ceremony…my convent’s friends that i really miss them so much!…because everybody seems to be very busy with their life and commitment so we will end up having a small reunion at our friend’s wedding ceremony… :)

So last Sunday, around 11:30am, i went to my lovely dear’s house to fetch him up and we sent my dear’s mom and siblings to a wedding ceremony nearby and then straight away went to my best friend’s house to pick her up and convoy along together with the others to our friend’s wedding..:) The ceremony took place near Kg. Delek Klang.

me and my friends.... :)

Lovely Couple!....beautiful! :)

me,my friends with the bride :)

last but not least..... me with my lovely dear :)

It was a great sunny and joyful day!, to meet up together, celebrating our lovely friend’s and having fun and laughter that we wish it  wouldn’t end. The amount of picture taken was damn high, but just put some of the nice pics that we had.


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