Hey Hey Hey….lets start a post that more fun!..be aware this might be quite long post!.

May peace be upon you… :)

This story a bit a-week-late, why?because it happens on the end of last month..to be exact on 31st January. This date has been set specially for my lovely love for her end of semester or after-final-year-exam-break-off…huhuhu… I’ve promised her to take to a nice place to enjoy and relax her mind after being through her last semester study in her last year.

Where do I take her?huhu…last Wednesday, I’ve uploaded a single pic for the #Wordless Wednesday..for some who might know this kind of tag is for Genting Highlands Theme Park!..huhuhu…yeah, where we can have fun until we get soooo tired!…and of course, it was a day trip! huhu…

Last year, I’ve been there many time, around 6 8-10 times within half a year to Genting but it is because work-related-thingy..

So, we took off almost early in the morning because of the distance to reach Genting, took almost an Hour i guess, I don’t really remember, but that time is raining and quite heavy.. :) and now some pictures!..

Genting Highlands Theme Park Outdoor Indoor

Lovely love made me a Muffin! and Samosa for breakfast!...hehe

 When arriving, the rain is still pouring, when it rains means no outdoor game!..when raining, all the machines will get wet and slippery so all the brakes will not functioning.

Even so, we still bought the “All Park” ticket for RM 66 and hoping that the rain will stop eventually. The cashier also warn us that its raining right now and outdoor is close, no refund..bla..bla..bla…we get it..huhuhu…because if buy separately, it will cost RM30 (indoor) and RM55 (outdoor) that will total up to RM85!!, lets say we just bought a single indoor only and suddenly rain is stop, you will need to spend another RM55 just to play outdoor. Get it?

So Indoor games also quite fun!

Genting Highlands Theme Park Indoor Outdoor

1st Game of all! *BUMPER CARR!!!*

Genting Highlands Theme Park Indoor Outdoor

Genting Highlands Theme Park Outdoor Indoor

2nd rides! Euro Express!!..hehehe

For the 2nd rides, we need to Q-up almost half an hour just for the rides of almost 5 minutes I guess!..hahaha..because of there were checking on the cart by their people and there are not much games that thrill so want or not, need to wait for it..huhu..

and just nicely after we finished the rides, the rains is stopped..eventually!..yeah!!..lucky us that bought All Park ticket!..huhuhu..

Genting Highlands Theme Park Indoor Outdoor

The must-take-picture-with spot!.. :)

Genting Highlands Theme Park Indoor Outdoor

Genting Highlands Theme Park Indoor Outdoor

Walk..walk...Walkk..! :)

 Genting Highlands Theme Park Indoor Outdoor First World

As waiting others games to get warm up!, we get onto the big Merry-Go-Around!..hehehe

 Genting Highlands Theme Park Indoor Outdoor First World

The Double Deck Carousel!!! :D

 Genting Highlands Theme Park Indoor Outdoor First World

Excited after body been spinning by the Spinner!..hahaha..the girl whose checking around didn't want to take picture of us!..aishhh!!..

After these two games, we head up another level, to more thrill where can find the Space Shot, Corkscrew, Pirate Ship and many more!..huhuhu.. :)

 Genting Highlands Theme Park Indoor Outdoor First World

*Kempunan* hahaha...

 There’s a lot of pictures taken and of course, only consists of us!..hehehe..scared that you guys don’t like to see it more…hahaha…so after played most of the games, because some is not suitable for her and me, eventhough want to play it so much but hey!, why the rush?..hehehe..


Genting Highlands Theme Park Indoor Outdoor First World

Corkscrew Ride!!... yeahhh!!! XD

Genting Highlands Theme Park Indoor Outdoor First World

Went down from Genting around 5.30PM and drive as fast as I can..hahahaha… rhetoric only!..because I’ve set a dinner for my lovely love at Hadramawt Restaurant, Hadramawt Chulan Square, Kuala Lumpur. 

Hadramawt Restaurant, Hadramawt Chulan Square, Kuala Lumpur

Hadramawt Restaurant, Hadramawt Chulan Square, Kuala Lumpur

I’ve purchased a Groupon deal where 4-Course Authentic Arabic Meal + Free Flow of Ice Lemon Tea for 2 People for RM35 instead of RM153.10. A good deal is really a good deal, the food also nice and delicious. Its also quite exotic you know.

Hadramawt Restaurant, Hadramawt Chulan Square, Kuala Lumpur

And that the wraps!..hahahahaha….awesome!..eventhough only two different places, still awesome and she can’t stop smiling for having a day!…huhuhu…

p/s; yet afterwards, ran to Keramat want to meet up my old colleague friends, but due to some circumstances, only meet one person only. :) hahaha…


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