my old lappy :)

The above picture is my old laptop which has been use almost 5 years since i started my Uni’s Life from Diploma until I’ve finish my Degree now…it was a Compaq brand…so sad when the screen blank off already…before this it still can be used by adjusting or set the lid to certain point of angle.. Now blank out can’t see anything anymore.

So last Saturday went to Low Yatt, Kuala Lumpur with my dear after finish work, yeah!, I’m currently doing internship at some company nearby area my hometown. So around 2 o’clock in the evening, we took off and reach there around 3 something because of the jammed near Jalan Pudu there, my dear drove into the worst road ever!..I am dizzy, tired and hungry!..hehe :)

At first reach, we thought that later eat after bought the laptop, but then after several shops, then I can’t stand anymore, need food! my guy just simply bring me and walk to Sg. Wang since it was besides to the Low Yatt and go to McDonalds and having our lunch at 4.30PM.. :D …hahaha….

the new one! Pinky Lappy... :D

 After we had our lunch, straight back to Low Yatt and start searching for a best deal..Eventhough my budget range was a bit small, but he still insist on finding a better specs for me. Though that I would go for any brand but not Acer and of course NO Compaq anymore!..

We search almost entire 2nd & 3rd Floor and end up at Sri Computer Shops!, and found this pinky Lenovo! quite bright on the colour but the specs are at good performance and the price also quite reasonable!


Front View

 Let see the Specs! of Lenovo IdeaPad Z370 :

Lenovo IdeaPad Z370 Specs

Lenovo IdeaPad Z370 Specs

 After my dear satisfied with the deal and specs, and asking for my approval. Then we bought it!!..Huhuhu…and so, I got my new Lappie!…huhu…. :) 

US... =)

Thanks to my dear for accompanying me buying the new laptop….:)


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