hello guys!how do you do? :)

Last saturday we had a simple date at Sunway Piramid..actually we had another plan but due to some circumstances we need to change our plan and ended up went to Sunway Piramid..:)..the first thing we do when arrive,is straight away go the TGV Cinema…with the time we had, we choose to watch Ghost Rider 2 because we do not know what movie to watch!


so after buy the ticket, we walk around the shopping complex and stop at the Baskin Robins outlet to buy and eat an ice cream!


Baskin Robins ice cream with 3 flavour! :)


Both of us really love to eat ice cream!so after finished it, we went back to the TGV Cinema to watch the movie…the movie is quite ok and not too bad..enjoy watching the movie with my dear…:) We also had our lunch at Restaurant Ayam Penyet :)

our lunch! :)


we love to be together :)


looking at the time,it’s still early…don’t know why i feels like wanna go to a lake or any places that will release my mind..:)..at first i just said to my dear to go back home but during in the car i ask my dear to bring me to a lake..then suddenly i change my mind, and ask if my dear wanna go Tanjung Harapan to view the sea…:)
















We had a good time there…together looking at the sea, a very nice scenery and makes us feels so calm and peace…we also use the chance to discuss about our future planning :)  before we go back, we stop by at the stall along the road near the sea to have a steambot! or we called it as a yong tau foo!:)

yong tau foo!



After all,we go back home around 5pm.. a very nice day we had together!Thank you so much Dear! :)


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