with some of my classmate :)

Assalamualaikum and  hello guys!

How do you feel today?..hope everybody is in a good condition..:) here, i just want to share some information with you guys…last Friday, i had the opportunity to join a trip to Westports that had been organized by my class..This trip is one of the assessment of risk management course that i need to take this semester….:)

i never went to Westports before this, but in my mind, i think  the place will be full of freight/cargo and a very busy environment…but it is not too bad…when i arrive there, i can see a very beautiful landscape around the building and almost at all area…huhu…i really love to see the garden…

so after we arrive, we had been invited to listen to a talk and explanation about Westports by one of the manager. At first, we though the manager is a very strict person because once we enter the seminar hall, he asked all of us to switch off our hand phone…and after he introduced himself, he gave us a piece of paper each to everyone…do you know what is that??..it’s a QUIZ!…wahhhh! unbelievable…we need to answer all the question about Westports…even we do not know all about it…huhuu..after we finished the quiz, the manager started the presentation about Westports and sometimes he make some jokes also…so he is not too strict actually..funny man..huhu…

So back to the Westports…:)

The name of the company is Westports Malaysia Sdn.Bhd which is formerly known as Kelang Multi Terminal Sdn.Bhd. The company located on Pulau Indah, Port Klang, Malaysia. It is a multicargo port which handles all types of cargoes in containers, break bulk, drybulk, liquid bulk, vehicles and other conventional cargoes…

if you can see they are using Dolphin as their logo…why?..:) because it represent a fast,flexible,friendly and intelligent attitude…interesting right?..i love dolphin..huhu:)


So, why the port is very important?…it is  because:

(1) 95% of a country’s trade goes by the sea…

(2) importer and exporter want to send their goods direct to the destination…

(3) they don’t want to use other port….and lastly,

(4) it will safe the country money…


and the function of port are :

(1) cargo can be sent direct to destination

(2) to facilitate export,import and transhipment

(3) for ship to berth


Actually there are so many interesting information that we get during the talk…Do you guys know…

if all the container of one big shipped been arranged longways, it can be from Paris to Cape town and back again which is 19 000 km…

and if all the container of one big shipped been arranged escalate, it will be 5555 KLCC high…

For a big ship….:)

the engine power is about 109 000 horse power…

the Anchor is 29 tons which is equivalent with 5 adult African elephant…

and it needed 250 litter paint overall


huhu..i think i had wrote too much…so that’s all from me now, i will put some of the pictures in the gallery later on…:)

bubye! :)


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