Thank you is an expression of gratitude. Showing how much we appreciated someone help or kindness is doing something.

Thank you Terima Kasih

Source *Google*

Usually I am the one who always say “thank you” eventhough I’m the one who give help, its a habit. One year experience as fast food crew member did taught a lots of things to me. One of them is to say thank you!. Thank you for everytime I got tasks or order from my manager or the crew leader. Even after helping out other member also I would say Thank you.

To me, it is not wrong and its a good thing to say. People doing bad thing to you also we say thank you, in islam way, we would say “Alhamdulillah”. Doesn’t mean that we thank them for doing bad, it just a matter of challenge by the god. Life does not go up and away, there is ups and down in it.

Actually want to do this post yesterday, but then too tired…

So want to say THANK YOU so much! for my love who working on my “Moments” page. Finally, there got album gallery created. After several attempts from myself on creating the drop down list. She got the way!. :D

So, after this, all pictures will be uploaded to the Gallery Moments.

hihi :)




2 Responses to Thank you

  1. aaar89 says:

    ur welcome my dear……:)

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