Assalamualaikum & hi everyone! :D

Yesterday, as we know the result of “Ujian Penilaian Sekolah Rendah (UPSR)” had been announced and I’m sure all the students had satisfied with their result and achievement…not only for the students but also for the teachers that have worked very hard to teach the students. For a primary school, UPSR is very important for the student to shows their abilities and intelligence to determine the secondary school that will be enter for the next year :)

So for my family I can said it  is a very meaningful and happy day especially for my parents because my little brother get an excellent result for the UPSR!…huhu!he managed to get straight A’s for all the subjects and it means 5A’s..and I’m really proud of him…:)

My brother is a bit quiet and shy person..but do you believe he was a head prefect  for the school! huhu..yeah I would said it like “diam-diam ubi berisi” meaning he is a smart person even though his characteristics is quite passive…huhu


My brother :)


he again..making a speech for the school assembly :)


So…..Congrats Akmal! n syukur alhamdulillah for his success…:)

p/s: a few days before the result he told us that he got a dream getting 5A’s…look’s like his  dream really came true… :)

p/s 2: he said the school will give prizes for all the excellent candidate who get 5A’s… believe it or not…they can choose whether want a handphone @ digital camera…so lucky they are!

p/s 3: i miss that school…why?..because me and my lovely dear was an ex-student of that school! :)


so that’s all for now…bye! :D


2 Responses to Congrats!—->UPSR—–>5A’s

  1. aaar89 says:

    hehe…mekasih kak sumi… :)
    xpe, kak sumi xdapat mna tau nnt rezeki anak2 plak yg dapat kn…hehee :D

  2. Sumijelly says:

    wah… TAHNIAH la… 5A tu…

    kak sumi dulu A pun 1 jer..keh3….

    selamat melangkah ke alam sekolah menengah pula..

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