[WARNING]This is gonna be a long post :D.

Assalammualaikum w.b.t and Good day peoples.

Last weeks, yeah last weeks on 8th Oct. Quite long period to post a story a right but naahh..Its okay as long the story is told and kept as memory in this blog :) . So what we were doing last weeks?

Lets start with not-so-good-things-to-do when you went for a date, basically girls when go for shopping they will be seriously late, as many said but between us, I’m super late then she is.Hahaha. We went searching for extra jeans/pants for myself took almost two hours just to get one. :D should see how was she react..hehe..too cute!.. :D heart you! hehe..

After we bought the jeans that I choose, we went for teabuzzz!!!…hahaha…its like a habit or routine now, if we drop by at the Shaw CentrePoint, we must get a large cup Ice-blended with the flavor Hazelnut with Coffee jelly or chocolate pudding. whoah!..the taste, super awesome. Even my lovely love always asking for it..hehe…addicted to it. Thats my love.

See the small garden?, nice is it?..yeah, It sure damn nice as it was on top of one of the One Utama’s roof. Hehe.. It was called Secret Garden @ Upper Roof , One Utama Damansara. Yeah, we went for a simple date @ One Utama Damansara, Damansara Utama. It quite a nice destination as if One Utama is a big mall with lots of things that you can find. We’ve never been through each floor but then I’m sure that it was a quite big and they still renovating to make in bigger.









































See the beauty of the garden, recommend to you guys to check it out. Since when we arrived, rain still pouring down but that doesn’t stop us to have a walk and taking pictures. Even the guards don’t know what to say to stop us. Hahaha..we are invincible!!..










See how excited she is?see how cold that I’m feels at that time?..haha…yeah, we are green lover!..huhu…Usually we when to Bukit Cherakah, National Park near Shah Alam there but that different story.










Sure lots of pictures right?, this is just the beginning of our journey. ouh, BTW, the admission to the Secret Garden is FREE!..hehe..

So, after we’ve spent around an hour at Secret Garden and of course in the pouring rain, We went for a lunch. Like always, its hard for us sometimes to choose what we want to eat  but thanks to OU management( I thinks?) for opening a new food court just nicely at the center between the wings at 2nd floor. We’ve been to the Food Republic before, I’ve told in this post. Trying something new to eat, we choose this for our lunch.


Pepper Lunch, quite tasty and spicy, mine is spicy because I love it as you can see how red my rice. The method how to eat is quite fussy but the tast still nice. huhu..We sat here having lunch in quite some long time. Chit chat, story telling almost about 2,3 hours. It was a heart to heart talk, we almost quarrel a bit but still hold on. :)

After a long talk, we head to another side of One Utama Upper Rooftop. FYI, I thinks it was the uniqueness about One Utama Shopping Centre, they utilize almost every inch of their building and build something on it. Eventhough maybe I am outdated, but hell, this is my a info to me..hehe..quite harsh a bit huh?..sorry :D

So, whats got at another side of One Utama?, got SPORTS ZONE!!

There are two fields;Batting cage and futsal cage.

But we choose to batting out!..Lets go for a hit. Suitable for fun, for anger management and release tension. hehe..Check it out!.










hahaha..seriously, I love to do it again and again..The price also not so bad, you need to change for token..at these time, I’ve changed 5 tokens for about RM15. Student price, must bring along student card!.huhu..quite fun!but kind hurt your arms for the 1st timer.haha :D

And for the closing part of our day, we went for something icy-less-sugar-frozen-yogurt and when you say frozen yogurt, we said Tutti Fruity!..these yogurt quite less tasty, in my opinion. Since its was built for healthy yogurt, so the ingredient for the yogurt flavoring are more to lesser sugar and anythings that you can called it healthy. If you are a yogurt lover and wants a healthy ice-cream, this is the one. :D


















So after finishing the frozen yogurt, we head back home around 6 o’clock something in the evening.

Tired but still have some fun!..spend of total below RM60 something. What lovable date with my love. :D

Until next time, chioww!!….c ya in the next post!.. :)





p/s; we wore same design n pattern shoes also.=)


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