Alhamdulillah!..Seems that I’ve achieved again another one of my New Year Resolution!!.

Syukran ya-Allah, the almighty, for the blessing and giving me the opportunity to further up my studies. More or less, with the company offer to pursue Certification for addition field expertise.

Last two weeks was so hectic and kinda stressful!, at least a bit of it..workload seems increasing yet controllable!, alhamdulillah, need to cope more in pursuing and full filling my job scope!, at least the target to full fill all the job scope can be done so that can add in extra responsible and increase the pay-out! :) Maintain smart working technique and gain more and more knowledge and skills!

A small Gift for her! :)

The picture was taken on my big day! 03/03/2012!, she accompany me for the day. :D On the same day and time also, she told me that she want a new hand-bag and lucky me, I’ve prepare a hand-bag that I’ve bought from my colleague. Unexpectedly, she like it so much! :) huhuhu…

Special thanks to my lovely love, she the one who keeps pushing me towards my achievement/goal. She always be there and want to be by my side for everything. Eventhough sometimes she a bit pushy, but she just want me to keep on track on what should or shouldn’t do!.

Kenny Rogers Plaza Alam Sentral Shah Alam Kerja Kahwin

Eat and Discuss

Kenny Rogers Plaza Alam Sentral Shah Alam (PAS)

So after that, we went to Plaza Alam Sentral, Shah Alam since we are already in Shah Alam and there is “Wedding Works Expo”, so we could have a look and check around see if there any good package offer for our incoming Engagement Day later on.

While eating at the Kenny Rogers, we sat there discussing about what to choose and set our budget for the E-day. Huhu :D Around 4 something in the evening, we set off went back home since I was so tired and that was so sunny and a bit high on the temperature!.

That’s for the Big Day.

Next on to the EOTM thing,

Last two days which is Wednesday, after got home tiredly from working at 2.30AM, I saw this on my desk! which is latest last two #WW

Employee of The Month - Feb 2012

 Seems that all the hectic (*not so really) pays off!..huhuhu…Hope can achieved it again! :D


and that’s wrapped folks!

Thank you for reading it!. :)


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