Assalammualaikum w.b.t and Good day peoples.

Today, I’ve just recovered from some very very bad flu and cold, but still recovering seems still got plenty dizziness inside my head and suddenly caught on cough also. On Monday night,  feels like dying can’t breathe using nose and need to suck the air using mouth and seriously to do that for about an hour, I don’t think that is the way you want to breathe normally.

As yesterday, after went for a hospital clinic at Tung Shin and need to pay RM64 which is actually quite expensive but they give me a super-cool-new-to-me medicine that need to “inject” directly inside your nose.

Before I inject the medicine inside my nose, I can’t breathe, even tiny also cannot pass but after I use the medicine, waaaa-La!, directly clean the hole out and I can breathe like a normal person.

Hahaha :) As yesterday (again!haha) I got high fever, feels like everything is so damn cool all around me, and my body all day tired and hurt a lots!! and today, thanks to ALLAH for the health and thanks to my lovely love for the support and advice!..




One Response to High Fever, Flu & Medical Leave

  1. […]  not gonna end in short time. It feels like a month or two, I’ve been intact with flu. Since last time that I got this disease that I’ve told before in […]

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