There is a time when we feel lonely…maybe we can do anything but then?, kinda different and weird. When usually weekend you spend the time with family, watching tv together, having breakfast and lunch together, play around with siblings or niece or nephew. It was a good moments when you feel the joy and laughter.

My step-grandmother just passed away yesterday, kinda sad but as always, can’t show the emotion thru faces. Even I’m myself didn’t take emergency leave like any others that would do. Why?

Scared?or Lazy?, to tell the truth, I’ve barely know much about my step-grandma because since working and staying at KL, I’ve only weekend to spend times at Klang. Even I know that I’ve only have two days to spend with my family, sometimes I waste it.

Long time ago, during my 17 years after the birth I’ve always been at home at along the time. I’ve schooling in the same town from primary to secondary, that why sometimes, to live far from my family quite give me some effect. Even during my college study, if Saturday didn’t have classes, I would be at home by Friday nite. To me, having the time watching how was your family going on is better than anything. I love my dad, I love my mum, I love my brothers and sisters. Eventhough I’ve been a bad big brother, but they are my siblings, my own flesh from one dad and one mom. Quite sad, kids / youngsters nowadays didn’t realize that their parents is priceless. Even some parents also didn’t spend a quality time with their family.

So, today, I am alone in this house..wandering around…looking at my family portraits.

Don’t know what to do…

what will you do?


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