Assalamualaikum w.b.t & Good days people. :)

Sometimes I would feel like to write in Malay, because it more easier to type in fast and build up sentences. When type in English, its kinda hard and sometimes make me feel dizzy thinking words to combine to become a perfect sentences. Lets talk about generation;

Generation also known as procreation in biological sciences, is the act of producing offspring, as wiki’s said!. Why would I want to talk about generation?because of two things. What am I good at?Maths and English (yeah rightt!!..hahaha). So sometimes we smart or talented because of our generation from itself. Talent & cleverness maybe was past from our late great grand-grand father until us and will further on but it was pass only with few features. It is up to us whether we want to utilize it or not. There are few people realize it how talented they are but others? didn’t even care to upgrade or use the talent itself. The argument also can be denied because some are born with talent and/or smart abilities. In the end, it all comes matter to our self! Do we care to to enhance or utilize the talent or smart abilities that we have or owned with or without realizing it is really inside ourselves?. Up to you guys!..

Back to what I was want to talk about it is that true that I am good at Maths and English?. Let  take a look back on my family history, from my father side, I get the abilities good in numbers. That why I get scored in maths and Add Math, from primary, secondary to college. No really facing big problem when it comes to solving math equation. My grandfather was an accountant, my dad is also an accountant/finance manager, even most of my dad’s siblings are related to business & accountant thingy. As for siblings, my brother positioning as business, my 2nd sister an accountant, even most of my cousins also focusing in accountant or business study. See?did you guys get the big pictures?. Hahaha :D Eventhough my generation was good at number, I am breaking the “accountant-business” line. I am an IT-related field worker. I didn’t get pass thru any accountancy or business related jobs, before this I almost get a job title “Sales Consultant”. Hahahaha..but thank god, I didn’t get it.

We maybe planned to do/go with somethings, but still? only ALLAH S.W.T will decide it.

I would be lying if I said I don’t want that job, I want it. I want it so much because that time I still a Diploma fresh-graduate who was searching jobs that could save or earn a pay-out so I got money for myself. Because of so-called-good-at-numbers, I also was thinking about gaining a new experience in my mind if I got the “Sales Accountant” job. IF I got the job. Yet, I didn’t…. :)

As from my Mother’s side, I get the can-speak-&-learn-English abilities because my Mothers once a Singaporean. We know, back in the old times Singapore also part of Malaysia so the citizens spoke  our main language which s Malay. Since I’m not good at world history, I don’t want to talk much about how Singaporean end up speak in English because I didn’t know how was it. As for myself, I wouldn’t called it abilities since I was soooooo lazy to improve it. I’m just hoping and using the basic skill only for myself, didn’t think that in English we always need to improvised!, learn, practice, learn, practice. But hey, I still didn’t care. Back then when I’m in primary schools, I can speaks better than other student. I’m not quite sure about that facts since it was like 10,12 years back. Hahahahahaha…

When I was in secondary schools, that time I realized how important is to improvised your English. Some more, in form 4, got English for Science and Technology (EST) subject, my abilities and talent in English was tested!. I’m always end up getting C+/- for that subject, even English also become much harder  to score. Hahahahaha…So that time, I was knock out from my dream. I realized that English is something that you always need to improvised. In my college year also been put thru a hell of English!. .hahahaha..lecturer, assignments, presentation even my Final Year Project. Need to be precised in putting words  together, documentation get rejected twice because of the English itself only.

Nowadays, I am still writing or speaking in broken English. couldn’t help me much but I must set a high determination for myself!, to improvised my English!, it maybe too late but better than nothing right?!. .So I still gonna writing in English but sometimes, my idea is better to write in Malay..Lalalalalala :p


Until next time, c ya!..




p/s; Writing too long!!!..who will gonna read it??hahahaha…


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